Pilot Club of Palatka
President, Jane Hafner
Greetings Pilots:
HAPPY NEW YEAR! So excited to be seeing everyone again and looking forward to embarking on our new year with projects galore that will showcase our club and benefit those in need within our community. We have a much healthier budget than previous years and should be spending this money on our community projects. Please start thinking in a larger “outside the box” manner so that we can
accomplish these great goals. I am so thrilled with our new members who continue to bring fabulous ideas for projects that we might take on, and of course, our long- time members who have worked hard over the years to maintain our worth in the community.
Please remember that “A Night to Shine” will be on Friday, February 7. We have many members who have signed up for this amazing night honoring our special guests and we are sponsoring a gift basket to be in a drawing for the caregivers. We are also an event sponsor for the Eddie Mooney Dinner fundraiser which will be held at Ravine Gardens on Thursday, March 6th. Please keep these dates on your calendars.
As you are out and about in our community, please be mindful of unmet needs and bring them to the attention of our committees. I would love to see more involvement of our members at the Radiant Nursing and Rehab at Palatka. These folks are so lonely and appreciate any attention they receive. Heather has some great ideas and projects for them. Let’s all try and participate as it could definitely be
us one day in this situation.
Also, please stay in touch with our own club members and make sure that we are aware of any needs
that we might help with.
Spotlight on Pilot
Deb Rudy
Submitted by ~ Jane Hafner
Spotlight on Pilot
This New Year’s spotlight is shining brightly on Deb Rudy. Deb is a fairly new member brought in by our wonderful member, Linda Freeman. Deb is a retired nurse which is quite evident in how efficient she is at everything she volunteers to do in Pilot. She jumped right in on the Mellon Learning Center team and has become an invaluable committee member. She’s always willing to help when she is not out traveling
the world and shows up for our committee events (gathering items for gift bags, stuffing gift bags, preparing and serving food, and generously showing up for our presentations). She even comes when it’s pouring rain! Deb helps out at our bunco events and is eager and willing to take part in our other projects. Deb is from Canada, lives in the south historic district, and from what I understand, has a unique flair in decorating. I’m always encouraged when we have new members join Pilot who are so
willing to take part in our club projects, showing others how to “Do more, Care more, and Be more”.
Thanks Deb, for being a shining star!
Written by Susan Grandgeorge
Brain Health Tips
by Susan Grandgeorge, FDN-P