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Pilot Club of Palatka
President, Jane Hafner

Greetings Pilots,

With the approaching fall season, I only wish that our temperatures would reflect this! And now the rain has decided to make its presence known for quite a while. We’ve had a fairly laid-back summer as far as projects go, but with our Bunco fundraiser coming up this month I’m hoping that everyone is ready to get back into service mode. We also have our Florida District Fall Council which will be held in Kissimmee October18-20. It’s a wonderful opportunity to learn more about Pilot and all that we stand for and also to meet fellow Pilots within our great state. I hope some of you will consider going, especially those of you who are new to Pilot. Our club will be the host club for the event, which means that we are the welcoming committee. All the more reason to have a good showing of our members.  More on this at the meeting on September 12th.  We will also have our Florida District Lt. Governor, Leila LeVan, visit our club that day. I hope we have a great turn-out at the meeting to showcase our club.  At our business meeting we will also be choosing our Pilot Ambassador. We will take nominations from the floor and proceed with a club vote. Be thinking of who you would like to represent our club in this prestigious way. We have so many who are worthy, but we can only choose one.  I am asking that all committee chairpersons meet with your team members, via email or in person, and be prepared to report on your upcoming plans. Please let us know how we can be of assistance as a club. I know that our Anchor liaisons have already been busy and our Mellon Learning Team has

delivered goody bags to the Mellon Learning Center ESE teachers. Way to go ladies!  Hopefully Carol White will be giving us an update on our upcoming Pilot Night Out which will also be our membership drive. Be thinking of people you can invite who might want to join our dynamic club and

make a difference in the community.

We will be adding two new members, Linda Whitaker Wilhite, and Katie Giblin. Welcome ladies. We are

so happy you are joining us.

Please put on your calendars, the 1st Saturday in October which will be our Pilot Walk to end Alzheimer’s.  The Anchors will be joining us to walk the bridge and show our support to help find a cure for this dreaded condition that affects everyone in some way or another. Carol will share details at the meeting.

Please be sure to read the blog. It contains important dates from Shirley, a great human-interest story about one of our members, and timely tips about brain health.

Also, please be sure to remember our Pilots who are having difficulties (whether health or personal) and let them know you care. It starts at home.

Looking forward to seeing everyone at the meeting on Thursday, September 12th at noon in St. Mark’s Parish Hall on N. 2nd Street.

Yours in Pilot love,


Spotlight on Pilot

Marilyn Nicholson

Submitted by ~ Jane Hafner

This month’s spotlight is shining brightly on our most seasoned Pilot, Marilyn Nicholson.  Marilyn joined the Pilot Club of Palatka in January of 1977 and has been an active member since that date.  She has served in various positions ranging from Vice President, President-Elect, President, and was treasurer for 3 years.  Marilyn is one of the most efficient and accomplished women I know.  After a long-time career in banking focused on real estate financing, she decided to go a completely different direction and become a hairdresser.  And aren’t so many of us glad she did!  Marilyn has a unique ability to listen to others, not judge, and if asked, offer her sage advice.

Marily has been the backbone of our Pilot fundraising since she introduced us to the wonderful game of Bunco.  Our coffers have continued to grow and allowed us to complete many projects which were previously not fiscally feasible. With the help of the club members, she has honed the logistics and details of the Bunco event. It is now a fun way to socialize with our community, share our visions and goals, and make money while doing it.  We no longer have to “nickel and dime” ourselves with various fundraisers.

Marilyn is an avid camper, loves the water and is one of the best friends you could ever want! Hats off to Marilyn. You are our “SHINING STAR”.


Written by Susan Grandgeorge

Linda Freeman
September 2024

Pilot Feb 2024 P12.jpg

Brittany Goodson
August 2024

Brittany 1.jpg

Marcia Hall
May 2024

Pilot June 2 2024 Marcia Hall.jpg

Wanda Wilkinson April 2024

Nancy Phelps March 2024

Silhouette of Nancy and husband Michael on one of their weekly Rails to Trails path bike rides ~ combining her passion of riding while beautifying the environment by collecting discarded trash along the way! 

Pilot April 11 2024 P7.jpg

Brain Health Tips

by Susan Grandgeorge, FDN-P

Pilot Mar 6 2024 P2.jpg



Pilot April 13, 2024.jpg

Alzheimer's Disease ~ The Daughters' Story  In Memory of Arizona Pell Fitzstephens
April 27, 2017 Pilot Program Talk
by Lynda Fitzstephens
Click on picture

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